The 10 candidates for City Commission were each given a questionnaire to allow them an opportunity to share their campaign platforms and feelings on the future of Winter Haven. Each candidate was contacted individually to ensure they received the questionnaire. We received 9 responses from the 10 candidates. Candidate Debra Ogzewalla did not respond with answers prior to this blog post being published. (Update 10/6): Ms. Ogzewalla's responses have been received and have been added to the post. The candidates' responses are below in order of seat then alphabetical order. Their responses are copied verbatim from what was submitted to the chamber. Download a PDF of all of the candidates submissions on one document here. Each of the candidates has been invited to the Chamber Candidate Forum Breakfast on Wednesday, October 7th from 7:30 am - 9:30 am presented by the Chamber's Government & Legislative Affairs committee and sponsored by Sharit, Bunn & Chilton, P.A. Tickets are $10 for Chamber members and $20 for non-Chamber members. Tickets include breakfast buffet. RSVP to [email protected]. Candidates Debbie Ogzewalla, James Hogan, Bob Jardine and Carmelo Garcia did not provide a photo. Question 1: Please summarize your campaign platform in 3-5 key bullet points. Seat 1 Candidates: Macy Butler:
Seat 2 Candidates: Nathaniel J. Birdsong, Jr.:
Seat 3 Candidates: Kemp Brinson: When was the last time you were excited about your City Commissioners? When was the last time you described them as “energetic” or “proactive”? I will be an energetic and proactive advocate for Winter Haven at City Hall and in every other forum available to me. My approach to governing will emphasize concerted strategic planning and rigorous efficiency. I will focus on three major policy areas:
Peter M. Chichetto:
A good platform begins with a strong understanding on the issues surrounding the community and the people living in it.
Question 2: What is the number-one opportunity facing Winter Haven and how would you help realize that opportunity? If your plan includes City investment, how would you propose paying for it? Seat 1 Candidates: Macy Butler:
Seat 2 Candidates: Nathaniel J. Birdsong, Jr.:
Seat 3 Candidates: Kemp Brinson: I reject that premise that any one opportunity is “number one”. Our most important opportunities include:
Question 3: What is the number-one challenge facing Winter Haven and how would you help address that challenge? If your plan includes City investment, how would you propose paying for it? Seat 1 Candidates: Macy Butler:
Seat 2 Candidates: Nathaniel J. Birdsong, Jr.:
Seat 3 Candidates: Kemp Brinson: Our most important challenges include:
Peter M. Chichetto:
Question 4: What areas of the City’s municipal operations do you feel you best understand? Seat 1 Candidates: Macy Butler:
Seat 2 Candidates: Nathaniel J. Birdsong, Jr.:
Seat 3 Candidates: Kemp Brinson: As an attorney with experience in employment, real estate, and commercial litigation, I am well-equipped to understand the City’s:
As co-chair of the Citizen’s Efficiency Committee, I acquired basic background knowledge about most City departments. Peter M. Chichetto:
Question 5: What areas of the City’s municipal operations do you feel you need to learn more about? Seat 1 Candidates: Macy Butler:
Seat 2 Candidates: Nathaniel J. Birdsong, Jr.:
Seat 3 Candidates: Kemp Brinson:
Question 6: What City Commission decision in the last two years do you most agree with and why? Seat 1 Candidates: Macy Butler:
Seat 2 Candidates: Nathaniel J. Birdsong, Jr.:
Seat 3 Candidates: Kemp Brinson: Votes taken are less important than causes championed. Commissioners should not get credit for merely asking questions and then deciding to vote “yea”. Instead, I give individual Commissioners the most credit for individual decisions they have made that represent proactive, energetic leadership and advocacy. For example:
Peter M. Chichetto:
Question 7: What City Commission decision in the last two years do you most disagree with and why? Seat 1 Candidates: Macy Butler:
Seat 2 Candidates: Nathaniel J. Birdsong, Jr.:
Seat 3 Candidates: Kemp Brinson: The “decisions” I most disagree with are all the times a commissioner has:
<left blank> Question 8: How do you define a business-friendly city? How would you make Winter Haven more business-friendly? Seat 1 Candidates: Macy Butler:
Seat 2 Candidates: Nathaniel J. Birdsong, Jr.:
Seat 3 Candidates: Kemp Brinson: Our City must:
I will move Winter Haven in the right direction for business by:
Question 9: How would you balance a competitive tax rate with the need for investment in the community’s infrastructure and quality of life? Seat 1 Candidates: Macy Butler:
Seat 2 Candidates: Nathaniel J. Birdsong, Jr.:
Seat 3 Candidates: Kemp Brinson:
Question 10: In your opinion, what does the City of Winter Haven look like in 5-7 years?
Seat 1 Candidates: Macy Butler:
Seat 2 Candidates: Nathaniel J. Birdsong, Jr.:
Seat 3 Candidates: Kemp Brinson: My mid-term vision for Winter Haven is ambitious, but not outside the realm of possibility. Please join me in helping create it:
Peter M. Chichetto:
Dianna Celentano
10/15/2015 08:08:33 pm
I am filling out my absentee ballot tonight. Looked for two days to check on candidates qualifications. I wish it was a requirement they post their party affiliation. I was so happy to find this site that answered most of my questions. Thank you for posting the Q&A.My ballot is ready to be mailed in.
Katie Worthington
10/19/2015 11:01:34 am
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